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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Penpol Pupils go on a Virtual Reality Expedition with Google!

On Tuesday Penpol School had a very special visit from Google who had some exciting new technology to show off to the children.

Google Expeditions is a new project designed to introduce primary school children to Virtual Reality in the classroom.  Mark from Google bought 60 Google Cardboard headsets to Penpol along with 60 smart phones and tablets to get the system set up and running.  Throughout the day every class, from Year 1 to Year 6, had the chance to get some hands on time with the technology by going on a virtual school trip!

Led by their class teacher, the children were transported virtually around the world to unusual and exciting destinations including the Amazon Rainforest, underwater deep sea diving, onto the vast icy planes of Antartica and even into outer space to see the Moon and Earth from a whole new perspective.  The excitement amongst the children was electric, with loud gasps every time the teacher took them to a new location to explore.

Virtual Reality works by taking a 360 degree photo of a location and then using special software to make the viewer feel like they are in the middle of the action.  With the Google Cardboard and attached smartphone the children can then explore their surroundings simply by moving their head.  The classroom disappears and they are taken on an incredible school trip.

You can learn more about Google Expeditions here:


Throughout the day we took as many photos as possible to remember this amazing event, so please enjoy a selection of them below…


Class 6’s Brilliant Moving Pictures

Children in class 6 had a very busy Spring term in DT in their ‘moving pictures’ topic.  Over the course of the term, each child designed and made many different types of moving pictures. These ranged from pop up Chinese new year cards, to making their own class flap book all about themselves, to Easter cards that could be ‘cracked’ open to reveal the message inside!

I liked making the flap book about me because I liked writing all the information under the picture – Jasmine

I enjoyed making my Easter egg card as I liked decorating it how I wanted – Isla


I really liked the All About Me book because I could tell the reader about everything I like doing – Patrick

Their biggest project however, coincided with their History topic ‘the Titanic’. Each child was given the opportunity to design their own moving picture based on the skills and techniques they had used in previous weeks. The children came up with many unique and individual designs using cardboard flaps, lollipop sticks and even designed parts of the pictures that were to pop up. Once the design was finished, it was onto creating their masterpieces

I liked being able to make my own Titanic picture the way I wanted. I did much more on it than I thought I would when I designed it – Bella

Class 6 worked incredibly hard on their pictures and each child produced their own unique picture. They have all worked very hard on their moving pictures and are looking forward to designing and making puppets next term. Well done Class 6!

I enjoyed making my Titanic picture because I got to do lots of cutting and sticking and use lots of different colours – Tess


Class 6 have been writing and following instructions

Class 6 have been playing games in the English lessons.

Children in Class 6 have been learning all about instructions and how important it is to follow them in chronological order.

The children were asked to design their own board games, write out a set of instructions and then try out their games with a friend.

It was fun making up your own characters for a game – Corran

The children had great fun explaining their rules and then trying out their games. Children could be heard giving out instructions, counting and explaining what happens if you land on a certain picture.

I really liked playing Tess L game ‘Candy Land’ as she thought of some good obstacles to stop you winning’ – Finn

I loved playing the games, especially rolling the dice and getting to move on two spaces – Tess

Sewing Club


Every Monday after school this term, some of the Year 1 and 2 children have been learning how to sew with Miss Simpson.

They have learnt how to thread needles and tie knots. They have also looked at weaving and how to use different types of stitches. It’s not as easy as it sounds because it requires a lot of patience and concentration. However, the children have risen to the challenge and produced some very creative pieces.

To help them further develop their sewing skills, the children have even been given a piece of canvas, their own needle and some thread to practice at home.

The club has proved to be a great success and the children have really enjoyed the opportunity.


I have stopped watching TV and all the I do is my sewing now. – Elexa

The children are currently working towards making their own Christmas decorations. Keep a look out for their finished masterpieces.


Class 5 Explore Materials Through Wicker Work

In connection with our science topic on ‘Materials’, Class 5 was really lucky to have a visit from Jazmin’s aunty Caroline. Caroline is very creative and she makes absolutely marvellous wicker pieces, from baskets to lobster pots.

During her visit she brought in examples of her craft and even showed us how she makes them. We learnt so much about this ancient craft and are now weaving fish using a wicker frame and raffia. It’s not as easy as it looks, as the children are discovering, we’ll let you know how we get on and will post some photos of the finished product!

Class 5 visit the Maritime Museum in Falmouth

In connection with our history topic on the Titanic, Class 5 visited the Maritime Museum in Falmouth to participate in a “Wreck and Rescue” workshop and a model boat making session. We learnt all about Henry Trengrouse, a Helston man, who back in 1807 witnessed the ship wreck of the ‘Anson’ off Loe Bar. An engineer by trade, he was devastated by the loss of life due to a lack of life saving equipment and so went on to invent a rocket life saving apparatus and the early form of the Breeches buoy.


Seth, from the museum set up a mini demonstration out on the balcony and the children were involved in rescuing John Henry, a fisherman using a model of Trengrouse’s invention


The children were able to test their boats on the lake in the museum, Luke won!


Myles has a go on the ‘ look outs ‘ chair used to help them get to the crows nest.


The children were also able to play on modern day rescue apparatus, a R.N.L.I dinghy, jet ski and inflatable life raft.


Thomas rescues Toby!


Boat building at the museum.


We all learnt a lot and had a brilliant day!



Amazing homework from Class 5 & 6!

In connection with our Science and Geography topics this term, the children in Year 2 were given some suggestions on what they could do for optional homework. These ideas included:

  • Making dinner for the family at home.
  • Making an igloo.
  • Making a Christmas table decoration

Dinner for the family

Eloise decided to show off her very talented cooking skills by making a delicious pasta dish for her family.

“I really like cooking and everyone loved their dinner and ate it all up.” – Eloise

Eloise decided to share her amazing recipe and wrote down a detailed list of instructions.

Igloo’s are very cool!

Several pupils decided to have a go at making an igloo. The children were very creative and came up with very inventive ways of building their igloos.

Myles’s dad kindly helped him to make this amazing model, complete with fishing line and ice blocks.


“It took about half a week to make and I think its really good.” – Myles


Eloise made a smaller one out of clay and painted it, complete with a fierce polar bear! She said she really enjoyed making it.

“My sister helped me but clay is a bit messy and it got everywhere!” – Eloise

Thomas’s igloo was made out of cotton wool and papier-mâché. It took most of an evening to make and even has a little light in it which looks like a fire.


Stunning Christmas table decorations

Christmas is fast approaching and one of the options for homework was for the children to make a table decoration.

Jazmin, Myles and Samuel all made these amazing centre pieces which will proudly grace their tables on the big day!

“I only needed help with the glue gun, it’s good!” – Jazmin

“I needed help with the sand in the jar as it was a bit tricky, it’s definitely going on my table at Christmas!” – Myles

“I did it all by myself except for the glue gun bit.” – Samuel

Outdoor Learning in Class 6 – Healthy eating during ‘Harvest’ time


This term Class 6 have been busy learning all about ‘Humans’ and ‘Animals’ and what they both need to remain healthy. Following an exciting trip to Trevaskis Farm, the children were then able to identify why fruit and vegetables are important for a healthy diet and which fruit and vegetables are available to us during the ‘Harvest’ period.


The children also got to meet some of the animals and a very special visitor who was working hard to scare off the birds!


Autumn art in Tehidy Woods


On the 9th November Class 5 visited Tehidy woods to do some sketching and to collect autumn leaves as part of their curriculum artwork.

The children worked very hard and drew some stunning pictures of the trees around the woods.

They then collected various kinds of leaves with wonderful autumn colours.

Back at school, the children studied the leaves and then made some incredible detailed drawings.



The tree drawings they had done earlier were copied several times and then coloured in the style of William Morris wallpaper. The final result was very effective.

Class 5 really has some superb artists!


Class 6 have been creative with Tie-Dye


Mixing the dye

During the art lessons, Class 6 have been looking at work produced by Artist William Morris and discussing the many patterns that he has created through ‘Mother Nature’.

The children enjoyed experimenting with blackberry juice and seeing how it can be used to stain plain materials. The children then used cold water dyes to produce their own ‘Tie-Dye’ patterns.

I really enjoyed mixing the material into the colourful dye, it was fun. – Finley

I felt excited watching the dye mixtures being made up and seeing them turn into bright colours. – Lucy

It was fun taking off the elastic bands and seeing the pattern that you had made. – Oliver


Mrs Ruffell – Class 6