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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Music in the Marquee 2018: Meeting Bradley

On Saturday night we welcomed back Bradley Johnson to Penpol School to play our annual Music in the Marquee fundraising concert.

We also welcomed a very talented friend of Mr Woolcock, Matt Bromage, who was on hand with his camera to get some photos of the evening.  

Check back in the next day or two for photos of Bradley Johnson and the other acts playing on stage, but to get started here’s a gallery of the ‘meet and greet’ which Bradley kindly participated in between his two sets.

See if you can spot yourself in the photos!

Check back to the Penpol Times soon to see photos of the gig itself, as well as a wonderful video full of highlight from the evening.

Music in the Marquee 2018: Photo Gallery

On Saturday night we hosted our fourth Music in the Marquee concert featuring DJ Flo Selecta, Ben Thorpe and of course, Bradley Johnson.  My friend Matt Bromage was here with his camera and has kindly shared these amazing photos with us. Don’t forget you can click on each

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Music in the Marquee 2018: The After-Movie!

For the last in our series of three posts about this years Music in the Marquee, I’m delighted to share with you our official video of the event!  You may have seen Miss Clarey with her camera out all evening, getting lots of videos of everything that goes

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Thomas is an official Internet Legend!

A few weeks ago Thomas came to see me with some fantastic drawings that he’d done after the Google Be Internet Legends assembly.  He spent hours drawing and colouring his creations and put in so much effort that I thought it’d be nice to send a copy to the team who helped organise the assembly.

They were so impressed with his enthusiasm and knowledge of E-Safety that they asked him a few questions about what he’s been learning so that they could write a short blog post all about him and the other children here at Penpol.

A week later and a mysterious box arrives in the Mac Suite, with some very exciting goodies inside for Thomas, which we surprised him with in our Friday celebration assembly last week.  I think it’s safe to say he was very, very happy with what was inside!  It just goes to show how putting in a bit of effort and having a passion for something can often lead to unexpected and exciting things!

– Mr Woolcock

Inside the goodie bag Thomas found a Google T-Shirt, some really cool Google headphones, a notebook and pen, a handy hand pointer and a certificate to recognise his Internet Legends status.

Internet Legends Assembly with Google

This afternoon we had a very special assembly from Jenny and Daniel who came to visit us from Google.  They came down to Cornwall to visit a couple of schools and Penpol were one of the lucky ones chosen.  

The assembly itself was linked to our recent work on how to stay safe online and in particular the Be Internet Legends program.  The assembly was a chance for the children to celebrate completing their lessons on e-safety and also a chance to experience the various characters and worlds from Interland come to life in the school hall.

Jenny and Daniel bought a whole host of exciting things with them for the assembly, including special hands for everybody to hold up and participate in the assembly with.  The hands were green on one side and red on the other, letting us answer yes or no to a number of tricky questions!  They also built a massive display in the hall to really get everyone in the mood to learn about e-safety.  Giant banners and flags lined every wall in the hall, surrounding us with the colourful characters from Interland.

Audience participation was very much key to this assembly and we all had a chance to get involved and shout out answers at the right times.  Daniel and Jenny guided us through the islands of Interland and this proved to be a fun and friendly look at some serious topics including cyberbullying, password hacking, identifying fake information online and sharing sensitive information on the internet.

Speaking to our visitors from Google before the assembly, it was clear that they were very impressed with our Computing lessons at Penpol – particularly the work we’ve all been doing recently on E-Safety.  Mr Woolcock and the special guests spoke at length about the animation project we’re working on with the Year 5s and 6s which links to Interland and they are both very excited to see the finished films in the next few weeks.

To complete an already fantastic afternoon, Jenny and Daniel also gave out certificates to every child to confirm that they are now Internet Legends!  

Thomas in Class 7 enjoyed the assembly so much he went straight home and created these lovely posters featuring characters from Interland.  Well done Thomas, they are lovely!

Penpol Represented at National SLS Finals

Last weekend Zara from Class 11 and Tess from Class 8 travelled to Cardiff to compete at the National Surf Lifesaving Competition. Both are members of Hayle Surf lifesaving club who they represented in the Welsh Capital.

I loved the experience and enjoyed swimming in a 50 metre pool. Hopefully I can knock time off again next year!- Zara

In an extremely competitive event, Zara was delighted to have knocked 10 seconds off her pb to finish inside the top 40 for board in the 11 age group.

I had a great time and raced in lots of races, my favourite was the relay – Tess

Surf lifesaving is a fantastic team event which many of the  children at school take part in. The SLSC at Hayle is a fantastic organisation and if your interested or want to find out more. Please click here.


Choral Speaking at Truro Music Festival

‘Choral Speaking’ is working together as a team in order to ‘act out’ a poem using voices and sometimes actions.

Class 7 have been working on ‘Oh, Oh The Story Man’ for several weeks, ensuring light and shade, good expression and diction as well as a change of pace and tone, at times using individual voices as well as working as a whole class.

We attended the Truro Music Festival on Monday 12th March, where we performed our poem.  Two other schools took park, reciting the same poem.  Class 7 performed extremely well and won the shield, gaining 87 marks with distinction!

The judges said: “Good discipline today – loud/soft and the sound of the snail moment was lovely!  The dragon moment was impactful too!”

Computing Speed Challenge: Musical Robots!

This week Class 8 had an unexpected Computing Speed Challenge with the Lego WeDo 2.0 robots.  Their task was to design, build and then code a moving robot which makes noises using just the Lego bricks.  No sound effects allowed!

To make this even harder, the children only had 45 minutes from start to finish, including tidying up time.  The race was on and the children were eager to make the noisiest robot they could.

Here we have Oskar and Henry showing off their robot:


And here are Finley and Lucy with their design:


Finally, here is the robot that Brodie and Patrick built:

Huge Medal Haul For Our Super Swimmers

Over the last couple of weeks our swim teams have been competing in the Penwith Swimming Gala’s at both Year 3 & 4 and Year 5 & 6. As always, it was a pleasure to travel with these children to represent the school alongside 18 others from the area. All children took part in their individual events including, front crawl, back stroke, breaststroke and butterfly (Yr 5 & 6), as well as the relay events. Many of our children placed 1st or 2nd in their heat and qualified for the finals.

Penpol School were very well represented in the finals, present in 23 of the 36 finals collecting many medals in the process.

Year 3 & 4 results

Both Joe and Ronnie picked up Bronze medals for the boys in the front and backstroke with Amber collecting Bronze in the Yr4 girls front crawl.

Out of the 18 teams present our Year 3 girls and Year 4 boys both finished 3rd in the team competition.

Year 5 & 6 results

I returned from the year 5 & 6 gala with a pockets bursting with Penpol winning 14 medals.

Miranda and Zara both won silver medals for their front crawl and backstroke whilst Freya won bronze in the breaststroke. Emma was not to be left out either following up her 4th place in the butterfly with her part in a silver medal relay performance bringing the year 5 girls total to 7.

The year 6’s collected 3 individual bronze’s  through Jude, Finn and Eva before the Year 6 boys collected a bronze medal each for the relay.

Overall our Year 6 boys came third for their age group and the Year 5 girls came second and qualifying for the Cornwall School Games in June.

The results of the combined competition proved how success the gala had been for Penpol School as we came in 3rd behind the very competitive teams from St Ives and St Uny. However, 3rd placed out of 18 teams is an outstanding achievement.


Well done everyone, and good luck to the Year 5 Girls team at the school games!


Penpol Languages Survey- We Value Your Feedback

With the final term at Penpol School almost upon us, it’s the perfect time to reflect and evaluate on the year so far.

All students here at Penpol have one hour a week of French, as well as the opportunity of attending after school language club on Thursdays. Year 6 are currently involved in an email exchange with Octave Cazauvieilh, a primary school situated on the outskirts of Bordeaux in the South-West of France. We also celebrate students achievement in languages by awarding a Star of the Week badge in both Infants and Juniors.

As a way of evaluating languages at Penpol, please would you be so helpful and spare a moment to complete this short questionnaire below.

Click Here

Your opinion is very valuable and you can be assured that your completed questionnaire will be totally anonymous.

Many thanks,

Mr Emery (Penpol Languages Co-ordinator)

Class 7 are Internet Strong

This week we’ve been looking at how to be Internet Strong in our E-Safety lessons.  The key idea here is that our passwords need to be as strong as possible to protect our accounts and keep our things safe.  We’ve talked with each class about some top tips for making strong passwords and have explored a website called DinoPass which is a fantastic and free way to create some super-strong passwords!

Here are some of the tips we’ve learnt this week:

Passwords should be strong so that hackers can’t get into our things.  You could put an exclamation mark in your password to make it even safer! – Samuel

You should put capital letters and symbols into your password so that nobody can guess them.  It’ll take them ages to work it out! – Aimee

You should never tell anyone your password, apart from an adult you trust who can keep it safe for you in case you forget it – Kiki

They should be quite long, maybe with two random words put together.  It’s really important that you can remember your password! – Tilly

Of course we also got to explore a new island on Interland too, this time is was the Tower of Treasure where the children had to collect letters to build the strongest password they could.