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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Designing Mars Rovers in Year 5

Last term, as part of our Space topic, the children were inspired by the landing of Perseverance on Mars and so created their own versions of a Mars rover, complete with a motor so that it could move forward and, most impressively a lever system to enable it to pick up ‘space rock’ to study. The children had a great time making and designing their own rover and, who knows, maybe this activity will have inspired our next rover designers of the future. 

After they’d made their rovers, the children used the iPads and iMovie to virtually transport their creations to the surface of Mars with some Green Screen magic.  

You can enjoy some of these videos below:

"I enjoyed making the Mars Rover. My favourite part was designing and decorating the rover, but we did have some trouble with our electrics"
Class 11

Penpol Pupils earn their Be Internet Legends Trophies

Children in Key Stage 2 have recently taken home their very own Internet Legend trophy to celebrate their ongoing learning into online safety and how to become responsible online citizens.

It’s safe to say that these trophies have generated quite a buzz amongst our pupils and I’m sure they will be appearing on desks, bedside tables and shelves all over the place very soon!  

The children have been encouraged to build their trophies with a grown up at home as part of the process involves answering a series of questions about being safe online in order to unlock the instructions step-by-step.  These questions also serve as great conversation starters and will hopefully help open up lots of productive conversations about being safe online.

The reward for their efforts are these awesome 3D trophies which will remind them that they really are Internet Legends.

We’ve been sent in lots of photos of these trophies in their new homes through Showbie and this post will be updated as more photos come in so watch this space!

Sports Day 2020

2020 brought around a slightly different kind of sports day. Over 100 of our pupils took part in first ever Rainbow games, both at home and in school.

The day consisted of children competing in for their houses in a range of throwing, jumping and running activities alongside some cross-curricular olympic themed activities such as designing/cooking a healthy meal; researching one of the continents; creating banner and posters to show their support for their house.

A brilliant event with many children engaging in the activities. Over 18000 points were shared between the 4 houses with less than 100 separating first and second.

Results are announced in the below video!


Music Without the Marquee 2020

Here at Penpol School we are delighted to be able to bring a slice of Music in the Marquee to you virtually.  Yes, we know it’ll never be the same as being in the marquee together as we celebrate the end of another school year, but we sincerely hope that this mini-event can bring a slice of that fun to you at home.

So it is time to get the wristbands on and the fizzy pop out as we all have a bit of a party in our own homes.

This is Music Without the Marquee!

– Mr Woolcock

Play Video

Writing Code that is “Out Of This World”

This week the children in Year 5 have been taking part in an international event which is quite simply “out of this world”!.

Astro Pi is a fantastic event run by Code Club and the European Space Agency whereby school children can write a computer program to be run on a modified Raspberry Pi computer on the International Space Station.  Yes, IN SPACE!

Each child in Year 5 has worked in a team to design and code their programs, which will display messages, pictures and the current temperatures to the astronauts onboard the ISS.  The children then decided on their team names before finally submitting their error-free code into space.

As soon as their program has been run on the Space Station the children will receive a certificate which will show the exact time and location of the International Space Station from when their code was run.

Class 11 Team Photos

Class 12 Team Photos