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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

Staff Learning Celebration Assembly (29th May 2020)

Each week while school is closed I’ll be bringing you a Friday afternoon assembly showcasing some of the diverse and exciting learning that’s being shared by Key Stage 2 on Showbie.  As well as the assembly itself, this page also has a gallery where you can see the learning in more detail should you wish.

Play Video

Gallery of Featured Learning

PFA Rainbow Art Winners

KS2 Learning Celebration (22nd May 2020)

Each week while school is closed I’ll be bringing you a Friday afternoon assembly showcasing some of the diverse and exciting learning that’s being shared by Key Stage 2 on Showbie.  As well as the assembly itself, this page also has a gallery where you can see the learning in more detail should you wish.

Play Video

Gallery of Featured Learning

Chair Inventions

World first as Penpol get a Be Internet Legends virtual assembly!

On Friday we were lucky enough to be the first school ever to receive a Be Internet Legends virtual assembly.  This involved all of our pupils in Key Stage 2 taking part in an interactive assembly with the team from Google and ParentZone.

In the exciting assembly children were reminded of the importance of being Internet Legends through questions and answers, audience participation and lots of other fun activities.  Teachers were able to feed back to the presenters in real time as children responded on Showbie, meaning the presenters could then talk to the children and celebrate their learning with them during the assembly.

It was a lot of fun and we’re very lucky at Penpol to have been selected as the first school to experience this.  The presenters said afterwards that we were such a lovely school to work with and that they hope you all keep up your Internet Legends learning over the next few weeks.

To help with this Mr Woolcock will be sharing weekly Be Internet Legends online safety activities on Showbie that you can complete with your family at home.  They’re quick and fun and may just involve playing a few levels on Interland too…

If you missed the assembly you can rewatch it below

A big ‘WOOF’ from Betsy

Hello again everyone, I hope you are all well and still enjoying your home learning challenges.

Since I last wrote to you, I have had a few days that were lovely and also a few days where I chose to be  a bit naughty and I ended up in a little  bit of trouble.

Last Monday, when my family were very busy, I began to feel  a little bored, so I  decided  to have a little roam around my house.  I suddenly noticed that someone had left the bathroom door open and I saw some white paper hanging from the wall. I went up to the paper and grabbed it in my mouth.  I then started to run out of the bathroom door with the paper following behind. Oh what fun I had playing with that paper, I felt so happy, until I heard someone shout ‘Betsy’. I looked up and saw my family staring down at me. They didn’t look very happy.


My family then decided that perhaps it would be better for me to  go outside and get some fresh air,  before I got myself in to any more trouble. I was so excited when I saw that I was going to my favourite place, the beach.

I had so much fun at the beach running and rolling around in the sand but because I have a long coat, I had to have a bath before I went to bed.  When I lay down in my basket, I felt quite excited as I had heard my family saying that tomorrow was going to be a special  day and that they were all going to  be baking delicious buns for everyone to eat.



When I woke up in the morning everyone was really busy, in the kitchen, baking and there was such a lovely smell coming from the oven. I looked through the oven door and I could see some of my favourite buns being cooked. I wanted to just sit and watch them cook but no luck, ‘Walkies Betsy”.

Although I wanted to sit and watch the buns cooking, it was great to get outside in the fresh air and get some morning exercise.

On the way back from my walk, my owner decided to let me off the lead so that I could walk on my own. Suddenly, I could smell those delicious buns and I just knew that I had to have one ,as my mouth was beginning to water.  I started to run home as fast as I could and there, outside of my garden, was a table all decorated with blue, red and white flags and on the top was a tray full of buns with icing on the top. I thought to myself, ‘This must be the special day celebrations that I heard my family talking about”. I just couldn’t wait any longer, I jumped up and  started to eat the buns, licking the icing off first. Suddenly I heard someone shout, “Betsy, those buns were for the V.E day celebrations, now we will have to make some more. I know now that I shouldn’t have taken the buns but they were just looking and smelling so delicious, I couldn’t help myself. Next time, I will wait for my owner to give me one. I think I should now try to stay out of mischief for a while.




Hello everyone at Penpol School, I hope you are all o.k and enjoying all of your home learning challenges. I really am missing all of my extra cuddles and also seeing everyones smiley faces.

At this strange time, I am also not allowed to go outside and do all of the fun things that I used to enjoy doing. Some days,  I often sit and look out of my window,  wishing things could get back to normal and I could go outside to play and visit everyone  at Penpol School, where I love to be made a fuss of.

Although I miss going outside and not visiting Penpol School, I have enjoyed being at home with my family, where I have also been learning new challenges and practicing old tricks. When the sun was shining,  I was so lucky to go down to the beach and play fetch. This is one of my favourite games, especially when the ball goes in to the sea.

Another trick that I have been practicing is  ‘Stay’ and ‘Here”.  This is a good trick, as I get to sit or stand in the same position and then when I hear the command  ‘Here’ I have to run to my owner.  They always give me a big cuddle when I run up to them.

Although I am really happy most days, being at home and learning with my family, some times I feel a bit sad and fed up and just don’t want to get out of bed, especially when it is raining.

On these days, I always tell my family how I am feeling so that they can help me and give me things to do that will stop me worrying and make me feel better. Last week, when I felt really sad, my family let me watch some horse racing on the television.

It was so exciting watching all of the horses galloping down the track and then jumping over the fences. After watching the horses, I felt so much happier and couldn’t wait to get started on my next learning challenge followed by playing in the garden and then having plenty of  cuddles and playtime with my family.

Well I hope you have all enjoyed reading about what I’ve been up to at home. Perhaps you would like to send some photographs of your pets to Mrs Ruffell, so that she can share them with me and everyone else on  the Penpol Times.

Take care

Love Betsy xxxx


Fred, from Class 1

Here is a picture of Fred from Class 1 with Sydney, she’s an Hungarian vizsla.


Ebbie, from Class 3

What a beautiful photo of Ebbie playing with her dog on the beach!


Isla, from Class 2

Here is Isla from class 2 with her pet Cat Alfie, they are watching a film together.


Izzy, from Class 2

It looks like  Luna has been having a fab time playing with Izzy. I wonder what game they are playing? It looks like Luna is taking Izzy for a ride.

Kensa, from Class 6

Kensa and Bruno have also been visiting the beach to have some fun and exercise. Bruno looks just like Betsy. I wonder if they go to the same dog parlour to have their coats groomed?


KS2 Learning Celebration (24th April 2020)

Each week whilst school is closed I’ll be bringing you a Friday afternoon assembly showcasing some of the diverse and exciting learning that’s being shared by Key Stage 2 on Showbie.  As well as the assembly itself, this page also has a gallery where you can see the learning in more detail should you wish.

Play Video

Gallery of Featured Learning

Favourite Thing Poetry