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“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

News from EYFS:

Amanda Aspden

Dusty and Brownie Visit Class 1

Cora’s guinea pigs visited Class 1 today. They are really cute, they are the nbest pets in the world, I love cuddling them every time after school, Dusty is mine and I really love when Brownie is squeaking – Cora We learnt that they like to eat hay

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Elizabeth Nidds

Reception Visit The Tate

Classes 1 and 2 had a great time visiting the Tate in St Ives last week as part of our Super Sculptures project. We have been learning about Barbara Hepworth and her sculptures in school with the children creating their own sculptures the week before. We enjoyed being

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Elizabeth Nidds

Reception Home Learning

Hi Class 1 and Class 2, we’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who have sent us some pictures of your home  learning over the past few weeks. We wanted to share some of your brilliant learning with everyone. We both hope that

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Amanda Aspden

Super Standing Stones Stables

Class 1 had an amazing time at the standing stones stables. James and Buddy the horses were very gentle and patient with the children. Firstly they enjoyed being brushed and groomed by the children. We learnt all about how to care for them and how to keep them

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Amanda Aspden

Fun at the Vets

Class I had the best time at the Animal Vets in Hayle. Claire, Jonathon and Patrick McCotter, along with their amazing team gave the children the most fantastic experience. We learnt all about farms and farming from Patrick McCotter. He was great with the children telling them all

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Amanda Aspden

Watch Me Grow

Class 1 have been enjoying planting lots of different plants and flowers to add a bit of greenery to our play ground. Thanks to the generous donations from parents, Wyevale garden centre, Asda and B & M in Penzance, we have been able to plant herbs, flowers, shrubs

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Jess Riches

Extreme Reading Challenge

What a fantastic start to our Extreme Reading Challenge! You have certainly been very busy over the holidays. It is fantastic to see you all enjoying reading and coming up with creative ideas, from reading upside down to reading on top of roof tops. I cannot wait to

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Amanda Aspden

Fantastic Feadon Farm

Class 1 and 2 have had another amazing trip to Feadon Farm. We learnt all about our British wildlife through the Gruffalo story and got the opportunity to meet the animals in the story and many more that we are likely to meet in our countryside. I liked

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Amanda Aspden

Surfs up in Class 1

What an amazing day. The children were in their element on their fun filled, action packed day of excitement, thrills and frolics on the beach. Ben and Kate Holtaway had planned a full day of surf lifesaving activities and games for the children to enjoy. They were both

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Amanda Aspden

Fabulous Firemen visit Class 1 and 2

Hayle and Tolvaddon firemen kindly brought the fire engine to school to show the children the types of things they do to help people. I liked it when i went in the fire truck. I saw the walkie talkies and torches – Erin Class 2 We learnt all

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Amanda Aspden

Sports Day Fun in Reception

Class 1 and 2 sports day is an annual event which is held in June each year.  All of the children in the Reception classes loved encouraging each other during their races and both parents and guests were invited to come and support.  The atmosphere was great with

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Elizabeth Nidds

Reception Visit The Seal Sanctuary

This week, the children in Classes 1 and 2 were very excited to visit the Seal Sanctuary in Gweek as part of our learning about ‘Under the Sea’. We travelled to Gweek on the school minibuses – our very first time on the minibuses at Penpol! We visited

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Jack Emery

Reception Show they have the ‘F(rançais)’ Factor

This term, Reception have been learning about food and drink in preparation for their French café lesson this week. The children were brilliant at recalling different foods in French, saying which colour they were in French and also singing a song about food.  They also acted out the

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Amanda Aspden

Around the World in 80 Grooves

Classes 1 and 2 have danced themselves around the world with some amazing dances from India, Mexico, Russia, Hawaii, England and Ireland. The dance show started with a song to welcome parents in different languages then started with Class1’s graceful Bollywood dance. I liked the Bollywood dance best.

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