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Chris Coyle-Chislett

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01736 753472

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2 St George’s Road, Hayle,
Cornwall, TR27 4AH

“Penpol pupils are curious, creative and courageous learners. Our school community believes in authenticity as the foundations of deep-rooted learning. Through our rich and relevant curriculum, we nurture community-minded, forward-facing international citizens of the future.”

News from Year 6

Nic Stanlake

Conscription! Year 6 are heading to the front!

As we have in previous few years, Year 6 headed to Bodmin Keep to explore the Military Museum. Bodmin Keep is the historical home of the DCLI; the barracks for which many of our ancestors signed up in and trained at as members of the Duke of Cornwall’s

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Activity Week ‘The Best Day of the Week?’

On Wednesday, the Year 6 children boarded the bus and headed off to Flambards with sick bowls in hand! With the drizzle falling in Hayle, we were fortunately greeted with cloud-breaking sunshine on our arrival in Helston. There is a slight lack of photos from today due to

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Activity Week- ‘In to the woods we go…’

Tuesday brought about a trip to Tehidy woods, again an excellent day right on our doorstep! We set off in the hunt for the illustrious lesser-spotted Tehidy Treacle Bear, but had to bid our time with a morning of activities: den building, raft making and a blind trail.

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Nic Stanlake

Year 6 Activity Week- ‘Another day in Paradise (Park)’

Year 6 kicked off their activity week in style as they spent the day exploring Paradise Park. There was much to do, see and find including the breathtaking bird displays, dinosaur trail as well as an opportunity to create some enrichment treats and toys for the birds to

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Jacob Woolcock

Exploring Stop Motion in Class 14

In Computing this week Class 14 learnt all about Stop Motion Animation and how to bring objects to life in creative and fun ways.  After a short introduction their challenge was simple: “Make your Classroom come to life!”. Sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy these fantastic short

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Jacob Woolcock

Internet Legends and Beyond with Year 6

As well as learning about being Internet Legends, our Year 6’s have taken their learning a step further by creating their own sixth section to the Be Internet Legends curriculum.  After some really in depth discussions each child settled upon what they felt would be an important addition

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Jono Peck

Surf’s up with Y5/6 Surf Club

Surf’s up – During June and July, the Y5/6  went surfing with Hayle based surf school Shore Surf to learn to surf or improve surfing skills and also learn about key water safety messages and what to do if they find themselves in difficulty. The first sessions had

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Jacob Woolcock

Penpol Pupils earn their Be Internet Legends Trophies

Children in Key Stage 2 have recently taken home their very own Internet Legend trophy to celebrate their ongoing learning into online safety and how to become responsible online citizens. It’s safe to say that these trophies have generated quite a buzz amongst our pupils and I’m sure

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Chris Chislett

Outdoor Learning in full flow at Penpol

We are learning outdoors more than ever at Penpol and this is having such a positive impact upon the way we learn. Have a look at what we’ve been up to below. Please do keep an eye on the forecast each day so that your child is ready

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Nic Stanlake

Sports Day 2020

2020 brought around a slightly different kind of sports day. Over 100 of our pupils took part in first ever Rainbow games, both at home and in school. The day consisted of children competing in for their houses in a range of throwing, jumping and running activities alongside

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Jacob Woolcock

Music Without the Marquee 2020

Here at Penpol School we are delighted to be able to bring a slice of Music in the Marquee to you virtually.  Yes, we know it’ll never be the same as being in the marquee together as we celebrate the end of another school year, but we sincerely

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Jacob Woolcock

KS2 Learning Celebration (3rd July 2020)

Each week while school is closed I’ll be bringing you a Friday afternoon assembly showcasing some of the diverse and exciting learning that’s being shared by Key Stage 2 on Showbie.  As well as the assembly itself, this page also has a gallery where you can see the

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Penpol School

KS2 Learning Celebration (26th June 2020)

Each week while school is closed I’ll be bringing you a Friday afternoon assembly showcasing some of the diverse and exciting learning that’s being shared by Key Stage 2 on Showbie.  As well as the assembly itself, this page also has a gallery where you can see the

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