Meeting with Watson Marlow

Today we got to meet three of the team from Watson Marlow, our gold sponsor for this competition.  Jo, Danny and John came over from their head office in Falmouth to watch our presentation and learn all about the team. …
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Pumpkin Fest Update

Thank you to everyone for the support at Pumpkin Fest last night. We have now contacted everyone who has won a raffle prize. They will be in the Penpol School office to be collected from Tuesday onwards. We raised a…
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Presenting at Pumpkin Fest

Between the live music at Pumpkin Fest the Pumpkins had the chance to share their Innovation Project with everyone – but with a twist. Because there were so many people there they had to perform with a microphone for the…
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The Penpol Pumpkins in Cartoon Form

A huge thanks to local artist Ann Force who has created the cartoon version of the Pumpkins which you can see at the top of this blog.  As a special treat at Pumpkin Fest, the Pumpkins were all presented with their…
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Pumpkin Fest!

Tonight the Penpol Pumpkins had a massive party in their honour, called Pumpkin Fest! Organised by their parents we were joined by hundreds of people from the community, all supporting the children by buying raffle tickets, getting their faces painted,…
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Today we were kindly visited by Gavin Beresford from Cornwall Council, who is a referee for the Robot Games in his spare time. He kindly gave up an afternoon to work with the four children on the Robot Games team to help them refine and improve their robots performance. Thank you Gavin!

It was lovely to meet Hannah Rowe from Rowe IT and Sarah Ableman from Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Careers Hub today and to thank them in person for all the support they’ve given to the Pumpkins. We shared both of our presentations with them and talked about how much it means to us to be representing Great Britain in this competition.

Hannah said “I spent the afternoon at Penpol School with an amazing, funny group of individuals who together make up the Penpol Pumpkins.  I cannot begin to tell you how brilliant they were!”

Today was very exciting – a trip to Langage Farm (just outside of Plymouth) to meet Ewen McClelland for a guided tour of their Food Waste Recycling facility.  We learnt where the food waste comes from and saw it’s journey from being unloaded from the back of a lorry (in the smelliest room in the world!) right through to becoming clean Methane Gas which is then used to power two generators to create electricity.

We got to explore the whole processing plant, including standing on top of a giant tank which contained many, many tonnes of biodegrading food waste!

Ada, James and Ethan were interviewed (live on air!) by Julie Skentelbery to hear how their Food Waste project has earned them a place in America, as well as discussing what going to America would mean to these students.

You can listen to their interview here.

Today we were joined by BBC Spotlight, who came to visit us at Penpol to learn about our Food Waste project and how we’re fundraising to get to America.  They interviewed us and filmed lots of clips of our Robot in action.

The program aired on TV and we received lots and lots of donations from people in Cornwall though our GoFundMe page straight afterwards – thank you everyone!

This morning we broke some very exciting news to the Penpol Pumpkins – and filmed their reaction! They thought they were reading lines off the screen to make a video for the Council, but that wasn’t quite the whole story.

Here they are discovering the very exciting news!